The Classic office football pool gone Viral... Welcome to

Why run around filling weekly grids when the power of the 21st Century can do it for you. You can a pool commissioner or just a player. makes it easy to be both.

As a commissioner: you pick the NFL game. Set the rules. Invite your friends and family.
As a player: find your pool. Pick you box. Watch for the numbers.

Since it Viral, its everywhere you would want it to be. All games are private.
There are no public games. Interested?? -- Create an account today!!! -->

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How to Play..

The beauty of this pool is you don't need to know a thing about the game except the score after each quarter. Doesn't matter who's playing. No spreads. Just the score.

The game board is a Grid that is broken into 100 boxes. You can choose any unassigned box(es). Once the Grid is full (or the Commissioner has closed the game), numbers (0-9) will be assigned to each row and column. The numbers represent the last digits of each team's score at the conclusion of each quarter (note: the Grids do not use Overtime.) The numbers posted horizontally will be the VISITOR team's score and those posted vertically will be the HOME teams's score.

Winners are determined with the score of each quarter. The box which is at the intersection of the row and column wins. Some games may also award prizes to touch boxes. As an example; if the score is Visitor - 27, Home - 9, the winning combination is 7 - 9. If that's your box with those numbers, you win. Boxes touching horizontally and vertically win as well. Boxes on the border of the grid will wrap around as touches for boxes on the opposite border.

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